statue rap

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12 Responses to statue rap

  1. dw (Team100) says:

    Wow – a bit of rhyming. Really nice with fine dining.

  2. nazim says:

    Good rapping.

  3. hania says:

    I like it but you should write the right spelling

  4. hussz says:

    well done I normally hate raps but this was really good .

  5. karih says:

    It was funny and I enjoyed the rhyming,however, you could try to create a picture in my mind and a better suspense

  6. dirik says:

    i really liked your rap but what was “it’s like they had a sundae, but they don’t know its Monday” I don’t really get that part but overall I really liked it

  7. islat1 says:

    The rap was good rap

  8. amatz says:

    I l9ke the way that you d3escribed the statues and some of the words were rhyming. Next you could improve by making sure you use apostrophes in can’t and write them in lines so that it’s easier for the reader to read.

  9. frans says:

    I like the way you used rhythm and described it at the same time 😀
    Next time you can improve on making sure it makes sense for example when it says” They smell nice, its like they had a packet of rice” Well done I liked it though.

  10. alia1 says:

    Very clever. You added Medusa who turn things in to stone. Good job!

  11. koyem says:

    I’ve read your story get your punctuation right although its a really good story.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I’ve read your story and I think it is very good but what you need to work on is your punctuation. I think it is very good because it rhymes and it has good rapping.

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